Rechtsanwalt (attorney)

Christian Ballke LL.M. Partner

Christian Ballke, born 1977, is a founding partner of the law firm Meisterernst. He studied the law at Gutenberg- University, Mainz. Having completed the second state law exams in 2004, he participated successfully in the master’s course in intellectual property law at Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, obtaining an LL.M. degree. His master’s thesis concerned the interface between trademark law and the law on pharmaceuticals.

Christian Ballke was admitted to practise as a lawyer in early 2006. Until end of 2011 he worked for the law firm meyer // meisterernst. He specializes in providing comprehensive advice to nationally and internationally operating enterprises from the food and pharmaceuticals industries, particularly on classification issues, the marketability of substances (e.g. novel foods) and product advertising. In case of litigation, Christian Ballke asserts his clients' rights in court and defends them when they are challenged.

Christian Ballke also advises and represents clients of our law firm on issues of intellectual property law, especially trademark and unfair competition law. In addition to that, he manages all legal issues related to cosmetics.

Publications, lectures

His expertise is evidenced by several academic publications, for example as a co-author of the legal commentary "Health & Nutrition Claims" (Eds. Meisterernst/Haber, Behr's Verlag). Christian Ballke is also the author of a number of contributions in legal journals and gives lectures in his areas of specialisation at conferences and seminars.

Christian Ballke advises, publishes and delivers presentations in German and English.

Fachbeiträge, rechtswissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, VorträgeFachbeiträge, rechtswissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, Vorträge

Die fachliche Expertise von Christian Ballke ist durch mehrere wissenschaftliche Buchpublikationen belegt, beispielsweise als Mitautor des Praxiskommentars Health & Nutrition Claims (Behr’s). Er ist zudem Verfasser einer Vielzahl von Fachbeiträgen in der rechtlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur und hält zu den Schwerpunktthemen seiner Tätigkeit Vorträge im Rahmen von Konferenzen und Seminarveranstaltungen.

Christian Ballke berät, publiziert und referiert auf Deutsch und Englisch.

Christian Ballke LL.M.

Contact Law firm

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB
Herzog-Heinrich-Str. 1, 80336 Munich

Fon +49(0)89-1891745-0

Current Events

Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Lebensmittelrecht kompakt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Lebensmittelrecht kompakt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette –
was muss getan werden?
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Current Events

Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Lebensmittelrecht kompakt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Lebensmittelrecht kompakt
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Übernächste Veranstaltung der Kanzlei Meisterernst

Nachhaltigkeit in der Lieferkette –
was muss getan werden?
(Akademie Fresenius)

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Our guiding principle „Thinking further“ also applies beyond the work we carry out our very selves. Through permanent cooperations and as part of different networks, our law firm and its lawyers are in constant contact and exchange with other experts.


Our lawyers inter alia engage in the following institutions:

Oswald Engelmann
Rechtsanwalt und Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH)

Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR)

Lebensmittelverband Deutschland e.V.

Arbeitskreis Nahrungsergänzungsmittel

Rechtsausschuss Lebensmittelverband Deutschland

Bundesverband der Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. (BAH)

European Food Law Association (EFLA)

Integritas Verein für lautere Heilmittelwerbung e.V.

Korrespondenten und Mitarbeiter des European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL)

Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelrecht e.V. (WGfL)

Gesellschaf für Umweltrecht e.V. (GfU)

If need be, our permanent scientific cooperation partner RDA Scientific Consultants GmbH, supports us in complex scientific and regulatory matters. We also collaborate intensively with our colleagues from the law firm Belmont | Legal specialised in commercial and company law.

Whenever legal questions with an implication of foreign law occur, we provide multinational concepts in a time-and cost-effective way thanks to our trusted and straightforward cooperation with befriended foreign colleagues.

Beyond our work for clients, our lawyers also active members in a number of specialist associations and scientific institutions. Our clients profit from the insight and contacts gained from these activities.

  • RDA Scientific Consultants GmbH     RDA
  • Oswald Engelmann

In multinational scenarios we work closely together with specialised foreign colleagues and other independent experts. We are therefore able to provide specifically tailored concepts across broders and clarify legal issues with foreign implications early on.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate calling us or sending an e-mail.

Fast to the goal

Thinking further

we connect law,
science and experience.

Acting decisively

we show you the way!
Solution-orientated, committed, forcefully.

Achieving goals

creating success with
sustainable solutions.

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Our Team

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte

PartG mbB